The Art of War ( ) by AotS

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Trixa, Jun 12, 2012.

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  1. This will probably work out very good for AotS, it'll weed out the clans in their alliance that can't last it out and the individual runners will be gone, leaving only the strongest base group.
    VooDoo won't have runners and I doubt original Regs will either.
    CR's alliance have already been through many wars together so will have less runners.
    This could go on for some time yet.
  2. lol @ OP.... You say don't post in forums but you start up a thread.... Wut???
  3. I respect AotS but this makes them seem very weak wulf should lock this if he wants to preserve some of his families dignity
  4. I  my wall art 
  5. LOL SO COOL! that's probably withen last week
  6. Round of applause . After over 1 week of osw, you managed 3 strips that weren't even cleaned out all the way. AotS actually took time out of their eb hitting to actually do some steals?? Wow, that is an art.  So is, our alliance tracking allies bought to your banks , i.e. -shepherd- than stealing while bank is unbanked. Strip that doesn't cost us any funds.  c"mon, I only had 300 bil of worthless allies and you only got half. Still, that is AotS art of war .

    Bendangee, still lord of KotFE
  7. I notice you don't mention your failed strip attempt on me. Not only did I wind up with a better ally but I handed those involved their asses. Ask your alliance friends in aots how many bil down the original stripper is.

    The truly sad part is you tried it again an hour later while I was still hitting your people. It took forever to pot all that gold. So many crystals...so many memories.
  8. Art of War?? Please don't be insulting as u and your sun army are an embarrassment to KAW.

    Alot of decent clans have already left cause they saw that you where just hollow.

    German Foxes need to wake up and stop being doodoos puppets.
  9. Art of War? So is it hit eb until opponent just gets bored and move on? Is it hit eb as a supposed friend gets torn to shreds trying to help you out of a bind? Is it make ridiculous claims and boast horribly distorted propaganda to make you lok like a hero? If that's what you guys think war is no wonder you're the best at it for anyone with any honor or dignity would never act as foolish or selfish as that clan.
  10. Hey Dino stop taking pages outta avengers books. He stripped and still kickin
  11. @Op: lmao!! 3 people and not even taking all their gold? Smh. We have had countless of strips and they will continue 
  12. Lol bragging? Might join (by myself) on otherside.
  13. Lol btw Dino I hope your having some fun buddy.
  14. Idk what to say @ op..

    An emoji is worth a thousand words

  15. You know I read this post and just had to shake my head. During our war with IS (who gave a better fight even before Res joined than this one with Sun) we were posting the normal war threads etc. Mr Magoo made a post about earning respect etc -
    Our response? Simply put - then come get some - we will fight anyone anytime - Sun has been called out, questioned, exposed as cowards - and STILL no response, not in forums and not in our news - unless you consider posts like this to mean anything.
    So again - if your going to post crap like this - PLEASE ACTUALLY FIGHT!


    P.S. I do not currently have an issue with Magoo - I was simply referring to his post.
  16. The Art of War...LMAO!!! You guys are so new to war you feel it necessary to not only make thread after thread about it...but now you're gonna post every strip? (notice not how much or what the loss was) what's next you're gonna want kudos and attention for hitting someone? GTFO AotS you guys will always be ****
  17. What VULF pic was that dude talking bout earlier?
  18. I think my shits glitching, because I keep looking at zoey, Watson, bendangee and they are like ... Have allies and stuff. Just sayin.
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