Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. How do you post pics ?
  2. go to the guide section. I just learnt it today x)
  3. Ok, view from my gate.... im still in wifi, so im self pinning while posting this.

  4. Took Jake and my sister to the park. Got some great shots. These are my favorites.

    Bree sliding

    Jake sliding

    Bree feeding the dinosaur

    Jake climbing the crocodile

    Bree again
  5. What do ppl use to post pics and what is the accepted size for forum?
  6. I personally use resizer (under the 480 size I think) and then photobucket.
  7. Code:
    [imgfit]img url here[/imgfit]
    It will automatically resize the size of the photo.
  8. It wasnt exactly outside my house, but a trip to Angkor Wat in Siem Reap,Cambodia last year :D

    Notice the reflection on the water!

    From the temple

    Tired of walking? Why not ride an elephant!

  9. I got to work on the spacing :/
  10. [​IMG]
    1. download these 2 apps.
    2. SimpleResize - choose picture from device. Save.
    3. imgupr - choose photo
    3a. Upload
    3b. Get embedded codes
    3c. BBCode (copied mssg)
    4. Enter forums and paste
    5. Enjoy the fun of it being so simple.

    *Disclaimer - there are other ways to post pictures also.
  11. [​IMG]

    My local woodlands :mrgreen: leads straight through into a park :) can be nice to get away from the world here sometimes.
  12. all that space to yourself?!

  13. ️Good Morning All!

    Fun run this morning.. 10K (5Kx2) at Deep Cove to raise awareness for MPS..

    MPS (Mucopolysaccharidosis), pronounced mew-ko-pol-ee-sak-ah-ri-doh-sis, is a rare genetic disorder where the body does not make enough of a particular enzyme that processes certain sugar molecules.

    Off to the races!

    This inability results in buildup of these sugars which are normally used by the body to be used in lubrication, cartilage, bones and joints.

    Glimpse of the cove

    Over time this damages the tissues and organs. These sugars (GaG's) are produced by the body and not through the diet intake so it is quite difficult to control the buildup..

    Watch out for the tree!

    MPS is currently very difficult to treat the cause.. Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) is a promising treatment and a lot of genetic based research is being done to treat this.

    Oh look a beach..

    I wish the best for all who has MPS and their supporting families..

    Stop and smell the flowers

    Mountains to hike.. Another day..

    Who put the hills on the route?

    Smoked all the kids.. Now it's me and possibly the Bears..

    Ok.. I gotta stop by the beach!!!..

    For those with MPS, we are with you.. We will keep running.. We'll keep supporting.. And we will prevail..

    KaW outside!! It's way better to be pinned while you are huffing and puffing.. ️
  14. Am i sad i thought this would include mud wrestling women and beach babes? Yes....
  15. No support
  16. Running is very simple.. It's a game of focus and concentration..,

    All you have to do..

    Is focus..

  17. Tldr; Ashes went to get the mail and got lost with perfect cell coverage but forgot to call 911 because he/she forgot the number 
  18. Damn this is great but I dont have an outdoor life :(
  19. Ice_Hawk.. Here's a quick 5 step beginners guide..

    1- Open the curtains.. (Do a kaw unload)

    2- Open the window.. (Do a ️Kaw unload)

    3- Put on your pants.. (Do a ️Kaw unload)

    4- Put on your shoes.. (Do a ️Kaw unload)

    5- Open the door and step out.. (Do a ️Kaw unload)..

    There is this Thermonuclear fireball that'd blast Rays at you.. It's ok!.. As long as you got UR pants on, you can ️Kaw outside
  20. AshesOfEden

    Providing kaw life hacks since 2012