Blumpy'sBar & Grill

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by lililililililililil, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Re: Modern Republic

    Lucky.  What're your rewards? And what game type do you play?
  2. Re: Modern Republic

      Note: chase8 will join if hired.
  3. Re: Modern Republic

    I like 3rd person but I play all types and I use pred mis har strike and emer airdrop
  4. Re: Modern Republic

    I think chase8 is in. Awaiting conformation, but I will add him to the list for now. If you are indeed in our clan now, welcome to Modern Republic!

    37 members and growing strong! Thanks for all the support, everyone.
  5. Re: Modern Republic

    We should try and get an ambassador on that wulf pack thing
  6. Re: Modern Republic

    I agree, 'wreck. The thread asks for three ambassadors from each clan. I'll volunteer my services, and possibly be chief ambassador if it's alright? I recommend another senior clan member join me, and we invite one of the less active, new members to join us. Any ideas?
  7. Re: Modern Republic

    I would be an ambassador considering I'm a representative of this clan,but yall can decide if u want me there or not,and I promise not to flip out haha
  8. Re: Modern Republic

    Alright, suicide has my backing for 2nd ambassador. Any objection to the proposal?
  9. Re: Modern Republic

    Lol ya if u do then were gonna be in war not peace lol гиотчщиьчши
  10. Re: Modern Republic

    I'm guessn there aren't any we jus need a third who's up for it
  11. Re: Modern Republic

    but i can ambas to
  12. Re: Modern Republic

    Иа иа ше аіит dопе
  13. Re: Modern Republic

    I crush n destroy
  14. Re: Modern Republic

    Alright. Any voice against 'wreck being ambassador three?
  15. Re: Modern Republic

    I vote we got our three ambassadors,plus we got the two peace guys plus me the war wanting guy but not now plus I'd never do anything to threaten our existence I want us to grow
  16. Re: Modern Republic

    Strength and honor
  17. Re: Modern Republic

    Ya and your the guy who wants to farm the world and i type like a 2 year old and char well i think he has wise words
  18. Re: Modern Republic

    True. Alright, I'll post on wulf pack wall.
  19. Re: Modern Republic

  20. Re: Modern Republic