Re: Modern Republic insaneTitanium added. Welcome to Modern Republic! We have reached our thirtieth member. Roster will be up soon.
Re: Modern Republic Modern Republic members Attack build representative-lolololol Attack build representative-Charlemagne Spy build representative-blumpy Spy build representative- Mixed build representative-suicide_deaths Mixed build representative-trainwrecksarefunny Leader- Spy group pyroclasts Attack group PringleHill MuffinFTW bluetheimpala jcogs tbagurmom insanesupaman Cassyk Kailey_Dawn falathar Benooper sheets francisvalena ThePirateSheep mogli24 iSpooked IWanaFuAllOvertheFloor MrD Mixed group MetalMike DevilHunter Evil_Xorcist groggyexpert insaneTitanium Advisor-TapwareTehAssassin Beginner group jamisawesome
Re: Modern Republic Because spy builds are so uncommon, I am thinking about taking out the spy build representative position and inserting a mixed/attack build representative position.
Re: Modern Republic Hi everyone, thought I'd introduce myself. I like long walks onthe beach, crushing and destroying. Lemme know if I can help anyone out.
Re: Modern Republic Just some information being layer out. Since ideas are being thrown around, post all ideas here so that representatives can think and vote on it. Representatives, when choosing a topic you find interesting, post it with a description and the rest will vote. If clan members have anything important to say about that issue, do not hesitate to post it or tell a representative about your ideas. Also, please add us on palringo. The group is called Modern Republic.
Re: Modern Republic Vote insaneTitanium for new rep! Free cheese to all who vote! Strength and Honor!
Re: Modern Republic Darn. Anyone free please help me farm on mojel. He spybombed Me. He too weak for me to att
Re: Modern Republic Congrats, DarkestKnight, and welcome to Modern Republic! Post any questions you may have on the thread.
Re: Modern Republic Hmm. Ok. I agree to switch spy build reps to mixed and att reps, but have one high rank for spys. Maybe spy leader??