Re: Modern Republic They're making me go to a facep (idk how to spell) meeting where I have to present a dang poster in front of a thousand people cuz I'm representing my school and talking about the gene ikaros
Re: Modern Republic The evil bunny ate my carrot!! But it wasn't a carot! It was my dick!! Sniff** there go my children...I'll kill you bunny!!!!
Re: Modern Republic Lol gee thanks joe i woulda procrastinated till sunday but i did it with a friend and it's for science
Re: Modern Republic Ahh that's why I never want a bunny Nelly science is sooooo easy I have a B in nerdy biology haha
Re: Modern Republic @uuugggghhhhh I hate presentations I hav one mon/tues @Joe lol I hav an A+ in my class
Re: Modern Republic And... No one cares... Oh well Ugh I hate my parents! They won't leave me alone and they always yell at me!
Re: Modern Republic Nooooo!!!!!!!!! My whole life just got munched on. *pulls out shotgun* chik-chik. Ur one dead bunny....BAM BAM BAM
Re: Modern Republic This isn't any presentation. I have to present in front of a thousand important scientists and I'm gonna feel like an idiot!!!