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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Wow, 164 pages? For this?
  2. Is there a list of prices
  3. Now it's 165
  4. yes Grope. it's just another spam fest.

    and not just that. they are RPing now too
  5. Wow...165 pages in 15 hours...
  6. Lol, thanks for contributing grope,

    Tree check first post for prices on drinks. One of my chefs created a menu last night, wall him if you need prices on that
  7. Hows it spam if people are having fun? Everybody is on topic. If you'd like to discuss this further I'd like for you to take it somewhere else :) please and thank you!
  8. @ Assassin Dont Be Ty
  9. cheesemuffin made...experiments..
  10. cheese muffin stabbed me with a sober knife :(
  11. I hope I'm aloud to get drunk while working ;)
  12. *lurkity lurk lurky lurkity lurky lurk lurk!*
  14. This shouldn't have been moved to fan fiction -.-
  15. When will we be rushed