The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Official bartender is on duty
  2. we have no money, last night was free
  3. No I'm taking an interview right now
  4. Can I get a steak?
  5. oh ok wizard MIS understood u;)
  6. Ben here is your coffee and wizard your steak
  7. Yeah!! I got the job!!
  8. Yummy! 

    hello fellow senior member of staff!

    Check ur color on page one
  10. Actually, I CAN hide forever! >:)

    Any criminals may hide with me in mah secret cave! We haz teh good st00f!
  11. My name is not there yet
  12. *throws tracker on boo when nobodys looking* oh no! Don't do that:(
  13. I iz now OFFICIAL Lurker Who Lurks In A Corner! XP And I have STARING CONTESTS!! LOLZ
  14. It gets updated in big bulks!

    Last night still to be updated
  15. *takes a shower at a friend's cave, takes off fur with the tracker on it and puts on new fur*

  16. *lurks in corner*
  17. I won't be on the computer for sometime. I've got some things to do today, I'll update asap. Be patient :)
  18. hey slayer can I give jobs?

    Then wall u details?
  19. *thinks to self* -I wonder why the tracker stopped moving...at least we know where the hide out is now-