The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. -yells to innocent- You know, we have a tip jar!!!!!!'
  2. This thread is growing fast... And thanks for your opinion wizard.
  3. -does the moonwalk- hey man take a chill pill
  4. *looks at all that's going on*

    Wake me when you need me.

    *finds a bed, locks the door, and sleeps*
  5. Wadj and assistants, wizard_ needs a kicking out of the Lounge! Do your stuff!
  6. -slurs words- here -puts $5 in tip jars- now let's dance!!!
  7. Wizard, I'm yon have to ask you to leave 
  8. -pushes him away- drop dead. I'm not dancing with a drunk.
  9. Hest, if you can think of any ideas for the Lounge let me know!
  10. -Starts dancing with hot chick- Come on guys, just have some fun!
  11. -still slurring-For 1 im a girl and 2 I'm dancing alone.
  12. I'm not dancing with you either, SLE. No matter how hot you think I am.
  13. Lmao sorry innocent didn't know
  14. *installs poles on a new stage* got some new entertainment!
  15. I would dance but I'm busy killing rule breakers
  16. Go ahead and use it, Bob!
  17. -starts dancing with inersence- how's it going? ;)
  18. Bartender -stumbles to the bar- can I get some more shots please?
  19. Girl, your wasted. Go sit down.