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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. It's ok, here drink the rest of this coffee
  2. I think the 30 minutes or less or your next ones free rule should apply. I want my damn drink!
  3. *walks up to pasam*

    *punches in face*

    *walks away*
  4. Austin, im much more than 4 days old.

    I can read and type can't i?!
  5. Watches Pasam fall to floor* what's wrong with u. Go punch him back!!!
  6. Benji I told u not to use pasams grenades
  7. Already my job kid, so sorry bout ya luck. And btw, you have a 3 day achievement. Vet my ass :3
  8. Who WANs food!!!!

  9. 4 days old on KaW you know what I meant. You sir are NO vet.
  10. HE USED MINE!!

  11. *stumbles in*

    Wheresh Mai drinksh,,? I ordersdd a drinksh shoures agoghh.
  12. JoiN PaL GrouP teh meh kittehz FoR BackstagE, NO RuleZ PartyinG xD
    Not spam. Ts been 5min xD
  13. Here's some food phoenix, chicken, salad, burgers, ribs

    Co-Bartender and Coma's Slave
  14. *conscious again*
    " I had a bad dream! There was this clown.... An AngryNakedClown!"

  15. Here's a mikes lemonade

    Co-Bartender and Coma's Slave
  16. Iron, a sammich for you

    Co-Bartender and Coma's Slave