Alright guys, since this is a lounge, and there is no such thing as a lounge with a DJ, I'll be playing piano.
*Benji realizes he has one arrow in each knee, and falls to the ground* *takes guns back, and empty the ammo down the toilet*
Burger French Fries Fried Eggs Bread ICECREAM Riceballs Cookies Rice Sushi Noodles ICECREAM No.2 cake cake No.2 apple orange watermelon strawberry Pasta Puddings Fried chicken grilled chicken grilled fish Or anything else you want
Roko, please stop postin that. It's now become spam. Stop or you will be asked to leave! Austin, check OP
*lies on pavement for hours* *people walking right ontop of me* *wakes up* "whoah, was I drunk or somethin?" WHERES MY KIDNEY?!?!
Ok, once more, to get all of our great guests to the REAL party JoiN PaL GrouP teh meh kittehz FoR BackstagE, NO RuleZ PartyinG xD run by me and benjibob