The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. This thread is full of win! :D (901)
  2. *Runs around with handcuffs on. MOTHER ******* **** HEADS I'LL BLOW THIS PLACE UP WITH MY EXTEME ALCOHOL GUN!
  4. Heres some coffee babe -gives coffee-
  5. if no sexual content is allowed then whyyyyy is there a stripper???!!!???!!! :?:
  6. *tackles RoK*

    *pulls out pistol*

    WHAT DID U SAY??!!
  7. *throws glowie grenade* TAKE THIS YOU NOOBS! *doesnt explode* ...forgot to pull the pin again :///
  8. Glow newb!?!!??!!?!?!?!?!?¿¡?!?!?!?!?!?!
    YESH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Were is my coffee bartenders
  10. Ok, I'm sober.... *takes off handcuffs
  11. Here's ur coffee
  12. *punches benjibob. Get off of me -.-
  13. *knocks Benji unconscious*

    ENOUGH DRUNK-NESS! I've had enough experience with that with Writer's Rum in FanFic...

  14. cause nobody can touch the stripper :p
  15. Glowing newb caek may I have some?!?! Pl0X
  16.  I'll just stand in the corner of the bar. Over there
  17. *Puts Apron back on* well, any other drink requests?

    Co-Bartender and Coma's Slave
  18. Can I has a juice box pl0x