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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. @Lich, yes!

    @hestia, your hired! :D
  2. I'll like to be wanj's bodyguard in training
  3. I r wanz b buff bodyguard 2 haz excuze fo bad splling :.(
  5. your hired Lich! :)
  6. [​IMG]

    Why's the dance floor empty!? Everybody get on that floor and DANCE!!
  7. Aww crayon.. I was going to correct it :(
  8. thanks slayer do you mind if I install some things? just some security cameras
  9. Bartender can I get some vodka and cola?
  10. -does the worm-
  11. I'm watching all of you...
  12. Just security cameras is all! Nothing too serious please!


    P.s if you have applied for a job and I said yes, OR you'd like a job please wall me! Thanks!
  13. *pulls lever*

    *activates experimental robot arms*

    *cuts thousands of rolls of sushi*
  14. I can be a bartender
  15. open karaoke mic!
  16. I would like some libations please bartender, a gin and tonic if you will!
  17. Don't be
    When you've swallowed all your pride
    It's tough to see through bull****
    When it's up above your eyes
  18. I'll be a bartender, but only if I get to drink for free.
  19. Joe your hired! For-fill their needs!