The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. *shakes head* Im good man.
  2. Really, have a coffee then?
  3. -hiccups- I'm sexy and its 5 in the morning!! -giggles-
  4. Someone get me a goddamed Mickey. I think I got a few bucks on me....
  5. Nods and says- to ur place we go
  6. Brb ladys and gents..got to take this fine lady over to my place for a lil ;)

    Exits Lounge for bit
  7. *sighs* have to keep sober for my job, hopefully slayer will think of a rota so I can get drunk
  8. Seriously, where's teh bartender person -.-
  9. Im WAAAY ahead of ya. *motions to several empty coffee cups and cracks up*
  10. -is in VIP-
  11. (I used to be. Now I'm drunk and gone.)
  12. I need a -hiccup- bud
  13. @RoK Drunk, I'll step in as a bartender. beer is it?
  14. Drinks on me in VIP section!!! Only certain people can get in -waits at front of VIP to let some people in-
  15. -Is In Staff Only Lounge-
  16. Am I VIP -giggles-
  17. I want some mickeys... 5 bottles please :3
  18. @ Sasha I'm staff, do I get access?
  19. @Calibabe yup you are VIP...come on in