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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Good job BB :)
  2. No getting sexy lol, even if ur dru.. -passes out on bar-
  3. *Pukes on Benji* Oopsie! ^_^
  4. On The Floor
  5. *drags Cali to medic room*
  6. GREAT idea Sasha! All yours to run :D

    *Swings back and forth slowly* ;)
  7. *lurks in shadowy corner*
  8. Yo dawg you got a prob with my bro you take it up with me
  9. @shadow Grrrrrrrr
  10. Lmao @Shadow and Cali
  11. Wha. What happened *blinks*
  12. Remember rule number 1-practically falls in ur arms-Lets go to ur place
  13. You were shouting rules, then passed out ;)
  14. What rules? -giggles- where's my limd
  15. @joe I was mildly suggesting that with the reminder Ü
  16. *watches from my shadowy corner*
  17. *whispers* your wish is my command ;)
  18. @Chris, Jump in the party!!
  19. *Invites crissangel__lover over for a beer* It's on me!!