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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  2. *Absorbs bomb cake*

    I'm an it, if ya didn't know.. xD :cool:
  3. Yo cheesy!!!! Toss me a muffin!
  4. *tosses plutonium-muffin, fresh out of the microwave*
  5. Thanks!!!!-eats it-mmm tasty
  6. -dances with cup of wine-
  7. *Lights one up* Any one else need a light?

    *Plays Blunt Blowin*

  8. Who here is a party rocker!?
  9. Gets onto dancefloor with muffin and starts dancing
  10. Lol imma bodyguard
  11. I'm a party rocker!!!
  12. Hey JJ! :D wanna dance?' :)
  13. That sounds weird..somehow.
  14. Lmao sure Bobby
  15. Ima party rocker! -whips hair and dances-
  16. Slayer...Imma part time dj part time
    legal substance seller 
  17. Bbl, I have to work on schoolwork, I missed a week and have to make it up.

    *leaves work to highly unstable cook-bot*
  18. Noob crank up the tunes!
    *Grabs JJ and pulls to the dance floor* *Dance vigorously* >:p
  19. aww..cheesemuffin! Nobody can replace your cooking expertise!