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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. So, anybody have any food orders?
  2. I remember this! My main is Co-Owner!

    This brings back good memories of LONG ago...
  3. Brings Secret his sirloin.

    On the house.
  4. Thanks Death. *Devours it*
  5. Could I have a Gumball? My machine in other KaW discussion broke down.
  6. Dispenses gumball
  7. Thank you. *accedentely hits Gumball machine*. Oops. Clean up on aisle 5!
  8. I am being so clumsy today
  9. Sorry, I get off work at noon.
  10. I'll clean it up
  11. Could I have some pi?
  12. 314 reversed is PIE
  13. Hello? Service please
  14. Sorry, our chef is out. Would you like a drink? Review the menu on my wall and let me know here
  15. I'll take some water
  16. *looks through menu and says"im confused and walks away" comes back 1 minute later and says water please?
  17. Water please
  18. *Fills water orders*
  19. I'll take a water please.