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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. *Makes 2 of whatever the **** death just said* okay.. Now we both have dinner so we can relax and chat.... *grabs 2 root beers* here's a root beer. On the house
  2. Deaths gonna gain 30 pounds eating all that.
  4. *Drinks root beer- Thanks Flint
  5. Yeah well **** you!

    On a side note. DOESN'T MATTER RAGEQUIT
  6. @Secret
    Umm... It's still $5 for you... It's only free for death
  7. Thanks, buddy. And I have eaten all that, and I didn't gain an ounce. :p
  8. So how's life, Flint? *sips root beer*
  9. Busy lately! I've been working 24/7 and this pie guy just won't leave me alone man. I finally just stopped serving him :lol:
  10. You want me to... take care of him?
  11. Yeah I'm pretty sure he just doesn't like me cause I'm ad mortem. On a side not fight you death would be interesting. We're both hansels with like the same stats
  12. Well, I've been kinda inactive recently with things.
  13. darn maybe next time. Be an equal match up
  14. Well, depending on how things turn out, I may not be back for a while yet.
  15. Oh well hope things work out for you happy jawing. But Never have friends who playkaw. When you quitted slip kawcaine in your drink and back you go.
  16. Ugh quit not quitted
  17. Lol, hopefully she won't mind if I play every now and again.
  18. Why would I not like Ad Mortem? They are allies with iG Systems, and I am -WiT- I would support them
  19. I like AM, some really "nice" folks over there. (If I say anything too good, I'll get beat. :shock:)
  20. Hey I'm just coming up with reasons for your un needed dislike of me