The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. This is confusing
  2. can i have some sprite?
  3. btw i would like to be dj
  4. Wow this things still here lol
  5. Well this is my colour, if you'd be so kind as to update this slayer.
  6. You know what guys? I really miss this thread, with all it's craziness and make-believe all the jokes and the fun. The gifs the cooks, bodyguards, the cookbodyguards, the "drunks", the dj's, the stripers, the bartenders and the dancers. Especially the dancers. But behind all this craziness was one guy, we all know him but I don't think we know how much we owe him for this thread.

    So thank you bob, you crazy, funny awesome guy for making such a wonderful place for us forumers.

    To slayer the man of the year! 
  7. =) thanks a lot Mario. I miss the fun too mate
  8. I was reading all the posts at the beginning, good times.
  9. Well, water is free.

    5 kL of water 0_0
  10. Coffee please!! (Oh god now I have to apply for a job because if I drink this I WILL get addicted and ill need that 50% off :lol: )
  11. Lava cookies. No lava cookies and im out. :geek:
  12. *Gives Senorita a lava cookie* :)
  13. Anything that's free for me.
  14. Water is free my friend! *hands a glass*
  15. *Drinks Coffee* Half price coffee? Love this new job! ;) Anyone want something to drink?
  16. No one still? Okay :( forever alone... In the Forumers Lounge
  17. Hit me up on some bear please, Flint.
  18. beer* Lol, already getting drunk