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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Shoots buckeye for waking me from my drunk slumber
  2. Shoots sin for shooting buckeye for waking sin from his drunk slumber.
  3. gets off my horse in and smacks sin for shooting and asks for water
  4. "hey do you know where the nearest blacksmith is?"I ask sin
  5. Hey hulk
  6. Im here! Lets get this party started!
  7. Pinpoint nukes buckeye and buries him in a certain way so buckeye wont rise again
  8. Awesomeautin96 bring me some food i want a hamburger please lol.
  9. A shot of Rigelian Ale, please.
  10. Cake for all I am buying
  11. I would like to be a waiter or stripper
  12. Your pick =p
  13. I vote stripper