The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. **** That! I WANT SOME RAWWWK!
  2. *Breakdancing* oh yeah!!! Lol
  3. Cheesemuffin, make me a banana sammich please
  4. Any song requests
  5. Can i be lounge cat.........

     Meow
  7. *throws bananas in the air*

    *electric laser-gun shoots them, dicing them neatly*

    *in one swipe, nutella's 2 pieces of bread, and catches bananas with them expertly*

    *toasts the result for two seconds*

    Here you go, gurrila!
  8. *Stands in corner offering mysterious substances for 2.00 a ounce* :?


    Oh yeah.

    *Gives 15% to The Forumers Lounge*

    You welcome :lol:
  9. *throws titanium-burger and Nyan-fries to pwnking*
  10. Sits on barstool and takes sip of wine- awesome
  11. Noob... There can be only one illegal-substance-using cook in this joint....

    *tosses plutonium in microwave*
  12. The party has arrived!!

    (I'm the party if you didn't understand...)
  13. Who said it was illegal... 

    *Passes pixie sticks, kool-aid, and happy crack out* 
  14. I want to be a waitress
  15. (slayer, if u havent noticed, I'm back!!!)
  16. Damn, noob. I almost shot you!
  17. No waitresses. Just bartenders (like me)
  18. *tosses experimental bomb cake to Mesco*

    I made it meself!

  19. Aww, I luv waiting tables lol jk

  20. I has some pluranium in my pocket if u want it 