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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Its by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
  2. Nahhh pretty much everything by Bon Jovi is the bes songs ever
  3. Freebird is a great song. A long one too.
  4. Really long. It's still is the best in my mind.
  5. :eek: i need a job! Time to wall slayerbob
  6. I never realized that fan fiction appears in the active topics on pc only.
  7. *beats soup monster to the ground with a pan*
  8. Well Flint just ruined a good thread...
  9.  buck
  10. *Takes machine gun and kills hamburger zombies in rapid fire succession*
  11. :lol: :lol:
  12. Of course I meant the good kind...
  13. Ok cheesemuffin, that uh, mushroom order is ready
  14. Such shenanigans go on here 
  15. Die you muffin scum! Die!
  16. I didn't do that!! I don't cuss!! What the heck?!