The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. If I feel like giving it to you.
  2. Sadly, my fellow unicorns are stanping their hooves and saying no.
  3. Can I be janitor? I want to help cheese with kitchen monsters ..
  5. Testing in useless part of forums.

    The Grammar Police

    Correcting ordinary citizens since 1839

    -After the great grammar war of 1837 the U.S. Government former a division called...
    The Grammar Police

    Our goal was the same as the Grammar Nazis in Germany- To protect ordinary citizens from the harmful effects of bad grammar.

    Divisions of the G. Police

    Division 1: Punctuation
    Sub division: Exclamation Point Cops

    Division 2: Speech correction

    Division 3: Writing corrections

    ~To serve and to correct ~
  6. Aww didn't CnP the pictures.
  7. Thirty root beers over here
  8. Wow, I thought this thread died a long time ago. Maybe there's hope for forums yet.
  9. *Angrily enters kitchen to get them himself*
  10. *Angrily beats King with a pot*
  11. Why do you hate me?
  12. Gets angry because everyone else is