The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Yeah only a few more intellectual people frequent OT and Other forums.
  2. ive been to some ot...there some very,very dark people there :eek:
  3. Like troll and IGCB
  4. I'm a certified genius lmao
  5. <3
  6. Since it seems like people want to keep this threads alive give me a mocha please.
  7. *hands mocha* lol
  8. btw buck, not to make an argument but u are very steryotypical and seem to hate british people. :|
    and if anyone is taking orders ill take a donut and a cappichino please :ugeek:
  9. I can give you a doughnut but not a donut.
  10. meh, as long as its coved with sugery goodness
  11. *signals waiter/waitress*

    What's today's menu have?
  12. Wow, there is no service here.
  13. I'm leaving. I can't believe I sat here waiting for this long!

    *Stands up and storms out of lounge*
  14. Whispers to owner "Finally that idiot is gone" back to business everyone
  15. @Iron

    I only dislike the delusional arrogant ones. But that goes for any race/ culture.
  16. Yea I agree there are people like tht everywhere
  17. Waiter please!
  18. Can I make super magic glue from unicorns?