The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. 207 pages of pure ****.
  2. Hello Guys
  3. correction, 150 or so pages of pure fun (for some) 57 or so pages of pure nothing (for the most part).
  4. Hey guys I'm back! ;)
  5. I haven't a clue what this is about :roll: so, hello all. :p :shock:
  6. 207pages?lol this must b a strip club then 
  7.  he's-got-a-point
  8. Wait I think that was me 
  9. I know I'm Boring but no need to run away!
  10. *looks around*
    Well this sucks *Go's back to sleep*
  11. Woooooohoooo!!!!
  12. I really miss this...
  13. *Comes back out of room*

    Ok this really sucks

    *Go's back to room*
  14. Bunch of trash belongs in the GY.
  16. It's closed cause FanFiction is stupid...