The Forumers Lounge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by slayerbob, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. I would like a water!!!

  2. Hey standoff get your own color
  3. no this is meh colour!
  4. Wicked you have a job here if not you have to post in black
  5. Yeah but this is my color so go find your own
  6. @sle
    This is bartenders colour check page 1

  7. /\
    | |
    | |
    | O |
    | O |
    | O |
    / |VVVVV| \
    /__| VVVV |__\
  8. **** it didn't work
  9. Hey, you guys know why this thread is so dead? Because it's in FF, and it doesn't show up in Active Topics! Grrr.
  10. Hi all hope things r well
  11. I miss the forumers lounge
  12. @benjibobs Sup shall we make a new one I'll be DJ u can wat Evs wat souls u call it
  13. 
  14. I won't forget you guys or the forum! Thanks for all the fun guys, due to people getting mad, it's actually hurting the forums, thanks for everything everybody!
  15. Thank god it's not on AT anymore!
  16. Agreed
  17. Bump for the Lolz!