Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Nominated your alt

  2. Lady Ash - Houston 500 



    White chicks
  4. Ghostlywayz -- Curious George

    Itachi i: Indian Jones

    OMAR-- Deuce Bigalow: Male giggalo

    Nikki-Se: Le Femme Nikita

    Silent-SE & beareatszafties-SE: I now pronounce you chuck and Larry

    Zaft: Ernest goes to jail

    Kotfe Assassins: the expendables

    ubberto: Bad Grandpa

    ReturnofAmar: jack ass 3 the movie

    Apocalypse alliance: Apocalypse now

    Azreal, baddest Bella machine, Mems machine, and Sexy Machine--- Charlie's Angels

    Annavicious -- Kill bill

    Rissa from Warlor- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Saber-- the contract
  5. That made me bust out laughing lmao
  6. I'll take that as a compliment 
  7. Trolo Machine = Tony Clifton from Man on the Moon.

  8. Kaw_community= Downfall, not the Germans dictator, the man who crushed him, that dirty commie Joseph.
  9. Applegirl Shallow hal
  10. Sexy Machine = Showgirls
  11. Ashes and frog: top gun
  12. Umm Iceman and Hollywood I assume...

    Cos Goose dies.. And Tom Cruise is ... Well..

    Ok every wife he marry is like 12 years younger than last.. And he did it twice..

    He still sucks..
  13. I have Kenny loggins "danger zone" always playing
  14. Chubby we all know you secretly replay the beach volleyball scene on the VCR in slow-mo..

    That slow-mo button on the VCR and fast times at ridge mount high were the best technology-entertainment combo of the 80's
  15. Weird science Showa seen
  16. Roni, Allison, Jenni = The Three Amigos
  17. AshesofEden= Puss in Boots! :D

  18. Let's be honest.

    Mickey/monkeyknocks: pineapple express