Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Indiana Jones? :shock:
  2. Okay okay Ted lol
  3. Curtish = Justin Timberlake/Fabio
  4. I'm Steve Buscemi.
  5. Waaa!?!?

    AshesofEden = Ace Ventura: pet detective

    The philosopher = the Anchor man: The legend continues
  6. Ok Ok!

    Let's either nominate a player or pick one for yourself to any character, thing in the movie...


    I got dibs on Captain Koons!!!

  7. Don't ask me about the watch
  8. Who would most likely be Kim-Jung-Un?
  9. Sing Katy Perry Rb322

  10. ^wins the thread
  11. Barium enemas ftw
  12. Don't **** with Kaw community 
  13. Farr = I'm not gonna list the obvious movie..

    Farr = Quigley down under
  14. Interesting, haven't had that one before ashes :lol:

    Ashes of Eden: naughty slumber party XIII
  15. Slightly disturbed by the possible answer and already by a few mentioned but the question needs to be asked. What movie am I? :lol:
  16. Slayerbob has to be forest gump
  17. Robber = Dog Day Afternoon
  18. Ashes. Work your magic..