Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Sep 15, 2015.

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  1. What. The hell. Am I.



    That is amazing.
  2. Lol
  3. Ashes u piz lobin-nature enjoyin-thread makin nub. U ugli as hel
  4. ZETH.. You're Sphinx!!!!

    My fav quote from Mystery Men by Sphinx..

    Sphinx:"Sometimes.. A true hero is the one with the courage to run away.."

    Bowler:"I like the way this man thinks!"
  5. Saltyfeet.. Don't make me Caitlyn Jenner you on Chapter 3...
  6.  That is too perfect.
  7. i love reading all Ashes threads .they always put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. How he throws all the kaw history & drama and madness and confusion together and puts it all into a cartoon story and captures the feelings and hostility that is happening at the time :- a absolute genius
  8. Someone has too much time on their hands
  9. Who am I
  10. Thanks RONI.. Wait till chapter 3! Hehehe

    TERRA.. You're the Bowler!.. You've seen the movie Mystery Men right?..

    Every Kaw player should go an watch it!.. 
  11. Absolutely loved this ashes :) another great addition to your list of threads. Seriously keep up the great content and keep laughs coming our way.
  12. What the hell is mystery men
  13. One of the better Ben Stiller flicks. Right up with Zoolander and Walter Mitty, in my book.
  14. 
  15. Spoiler Alert?
  16. :lol: Best of.. good job ashes
  17. I love forks.
  18. Interesting tidbit.
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