The genre Suspense / Thriller is actually a movie where they don't break out in dance in Bollywood. So many dramatic build ups and they just... never danced. THEY NEVER DANCED! They... *sobs* never danced... :'(
Footloose is like their everyday life except with Kevin Bacon added. They would love it because who doesn't love Bacon?
Indians can eat bacon, unless their religious faith dictates otherwise. Most Pakistanis don't eat foods originating from pigs as a result of their Muslim faith.
I'll handle it just as Rimmer saved the ship from the highly corrosive micro-organism at the end of season 8, by
For Best "remind me of the good ole days" goes to Ride Along 2.....this brought back a memory from when I was in the marines....dumb ass corporal thought he knew everything about weapons.... blew off his right finger with a 203 grenade launcher......tried to prove me wrong that it would fire when not installed on the M-16.......hmmm. guess I was wrong but he is still an idiot without a pointer
Even Arnold won't detach the M203 from his M-16!.. I do like Billy's shotgun attached to his M-16 though.. Predator is one of the best "Guy" movies for little super macho tweaks like that.. "Let's do air arm wrestle!.. Let's do some ***** jokes!.. Let's attach a shotgun to an assault rifle!.. And to top it off, let's bring a 7 ft Rastafari with laser cannons and claws!!!! Muahahahahaha!! *veins popping laughter"
Best 7th movie in a series that has 2 seconds of the main protagonist of the first 6 movies goes to... Star Wars: The Force Awakens!!!