KaW Hotel

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Bjorn21 (01), Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Looks like somebody needs to get laid
  2. Too bad the hotel is gone, otherwise you are hanging by a window floating in air
  3. Ace Stfu

    Kiki high five

    Jay. ....
  4. Um, no UR gone. *Signales Police*
  5. *punches ace and breaks his neck. Takes the detanator and breaks it*
  6. I will be back!!! I have better weapons...weapons capable of silencing IMMORTALS!!! good bye, for now......
  7. Masacre high five
  8. ....I...will.......................RETURN!!!!!!
  9. kiki got in the way it was ment to point at ace
  10. And I will win...good luck...that was round one, get prepared for round two...
  11. U just dont stop talking
  12. ill fix that i got some gaffer tape
  13. Btw, does anyone have enhanced unooctium I could borrow? Maybe...
  14. But it's gonna cost u