KaW Hotel

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Bjorn21 (01), Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Here is $.50
  2. U can get 1 kernal with that
  3. Damn i hoped u wouldnt notice
  4. Fine here is $.50
  5. Did I put 50$? I meant 100$
  6. Fine... $1.00
  7. Accualy it's 100.35843588190774323$
  8. *takes popcorn and runs away*
  9. Imma police officer 
  10. *takes popcorns and flys away while goin invisable*
  11. Poilice or not u stole USED POPCORN not just ordinary popcorn USED And the price fpr that is death!!!!
  12. 
  13. And im already dead 