KaW Hotel

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Bjorn21 (01), Jul 25, 2010.

  1. ive already got my swimming suit oni have been in jacuzzi all day
  2. Lolz jay
    And thank u dark here us $5,000
  3. So sad go to pool 
    jump in pool with weight on

  4. you are smoking in that bikini cassy
  5. Y u tryin to kill urself war hero 
  6. Bubble bubble hewwwllpp 
  7. why dont you get in the jacuzzi with me
  8. *jumps in pool and helps war*
  9. *pulls war outta da tub* it's okay war, ur still alive
  10. *slowly backs up to his Mustdang then drives off tho the casino to work his magic*
  11. Lolz tigaz *runs to jay*
  12. *comes back and has won 2 million... Gives it to cass*
  13. *offers war cookies and milk*
  14. *gives dark cookies and milk for winning 2 mill*
  15. only hug i havnt gave to cassy is an underwater hugbut i cant hold my breathe that long