KaW City

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxSHADEY_NINJAxX, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Chokes shieldofphonix
  2. Killed mayor and takes over town
  3. too many rps...
  4. *zombies kill empire*
  5. Falls to ground with horror
  6. *shoots empire with a revolver*
  7. Takes a chain saw from van and chips em up
  8. I don't feel dead
  9. Pleads to spare life
  10. *snaps empire neck*
  11. Ouch, that had to hurt
  12. Please spare mEEEee eee
  13. *takes chainsaw and cuts empire head off*
  14. Hits chainsaw away please please please spare me I'll do anything!!!!
  15. Bloods so hard to get out of fur!! Glad it's not on me!! :)

    Nice job mad ;)
  16. Anything......hmmmmmm