KaW City

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxSHADEY_NINJAxX, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. I'm tied up and in the air unarmed
  2. *empire on the brink of death* wait!!! don't kill empire!
  3. Phoinex I'm in the air
  4. *takes out a gun* untie empire NOW!
  5. *puts paws up* okay okay *unties empire*
  6. Back at the sub: the shark continues 2 ram the sub. Jayz fired harpoon after harpoon, impaling it every time. But the shark kept ramming the hull. It had almost breached the hull, when suddenly a giant sea serpent swam up and swallowed the shark whole.
  7. Comes to
    What is going on I'm I upside down?
    And ahhhhhhh get me down get me down
  8. Goes to ground and doesn't move
  9. *points gun at empire* be quiet or else
  10. SSSHHHHHHHH!*loads gun*
  11. Jayz gets in a diving suit and abandons the sub 4 a ride on the serpent. The serpent swims up 2 surface and drops Jayz off at the harbour
  12. Jayz retrieves several weapon from his stash
  13. "Time 2 shoot sum zombie @$$, and those other SOBs