VOM guide to FARMING

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KingConquer-, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Lol he said 'most safest'
  2. there i updated and fixed the guide, thank you for the feedback:)
  3. Bump for instruction.
  4. I really enjoyed reading that even though I didn't need to lol Very good  5/5
  5. Farming us hitting a person "x" number of times every day for an extended period of time, it can be as little as 1 hit a day (tho that's not very effective) the 5 hits in 24 hrs is a curtosey (spelled wrong)
  6. 1 hit is NOT farming..
  7. No 1 hit isn't. 1 hit over 3 days is tho, everyone refers to 5 hits in 24 hrs as farming nowadays...but I use the original definition.
  8. Very nice. Defined very well. Good job VOM

  9. Thank you for your expert mod feedback, it means alot to me:)
  10. As long as u stick to 5 or less in a 24h period you cannot complain about being farmed. If somebody chooses to hit you 3x a day until the day you die they are well within their rights. That is not farming. You might find it annoying, but it's not farming. Call it pestering . Not a bad guide VOM. Good work 
  11. I actually risked a stripwar just for attacking someguy 2x bigger than me two times -_- he said cuz I was farming and disrespecting him, I found that really lame...
  12. You're a :geek:
  13. :(
  14. :lol: why'd you name change btw?
  15. It changed itself o_O
  16. Huh no it didn't?