PîcK ûP ŁîÑèŠ

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Riven-, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. I know all 21 letters of the alphabet!

    -Aren't there 26?-

    Oh yeah. I forgot U, R, A, Q, T.
  2. "How you doin"
  3. Girl: what do you think of me?

    Boy; abcdefghijk

    Girl;what does that mean

    Boy: adorable, brainy, curvy, delicious(yes, delicious), exceptionally, fabulous, gorgeous, harmonious, intelligent.

    Girl:what's jk?

    Boy: just kidding
  4. Are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten I see.
  5. I just drop my pants.

    She be on me like ants on a dead bug.
  6. Me-hi you play Kaw ?
    Her- no
    Me - then what are you still doing here.