Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, May 14, 2016.

  1. PRIME..

    A hint..

    Einhorn IS Finkle!!!!
  2. Flippers?

    P.S. Yay! Miami Dolphins cheerleaders! My crush <3
  3. Real Miami fans get mad when they hear this nickname..

    You will hear them yell.. "It's a mammal!!!"
  4. Sunfish? Lol
  5. Close suckers!

    The term is "The Fish".. We use it to get Dolphin fans mad..

    Tuna will get them too.. 

    Next Q coming up
  6. Ok Next Q..


    Name a star that actually changed his name to a nickname


    Which two teams from Glasgow make up "The Old Firm"?..
  7. Q2 rangers and celtic
  8. Meta World Peace for Q1.
  9. Choo and Kael nailed them..

    Next Q..

    Q1: The Dakar Rally nowadays takes place in South America.. Which City did the original races start at?

    Q2: Muggsy Bogues is nicknamed for which basketball action?
  10. Ashes, the only knuckle I saw with the kardashians was moose knuckle
  11. I went back and couldn't find any Moodle Knuckles.
  12. Here's a rare pic of DRDEATH at his day job..

    Corralling (or whatever words do you use down there) the streakers on the pitch!
  13. Uhh isn't the Dakar in Africa....
  14. Q1: Paris (used to be a race from Paris to Dakar back in the 80s, 90s).