Who wants too do SW against us

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Os-JAMES, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. :evil: Still looking for clans :lol:
    Come and have some fun :cool: Any clans interrested???
  2. I think we should Declare war vs a ghost Clan ! all kaw can merc ! Osiris vs Ghost !
  3. We will war you.....pls set times and terms 
  4. -ཀཇའངཇསཤའཔ དསང-
  5. WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. WARRRR
  7. Mitt allowed? **** Mitt.
  8. will os actually be warring or will they merc,,,,,please tell me osiris who issued the war challenge will actually be fighting their own war
  9. Merc Inc issued us a war challenge, we accepted but it seems they are chickening out. Who's next please?
  10. I hardly post in forum but I just really hate last minute cancellation.
  11. Ruder please look at James OP. clearly stated: mercin allowed
  12. Like u Gain i seldom post forums. I believe the war will go ahead. The concerns were it wasnt OS really in the war. Your mercs outnumbered ure own members. When a clan posts challenge in forums most ppl do expect it to be OS ppl warring. Yes Clem is correct OP did say mercs included. But when does a clan lose identity? When its own members are less than mercs?
  13. Osiris for live
  14. Lol!!!!! Osiris u can chicken out from OSW, so why Merc In can't chicken out from SW?? Lmfao
  15. Silph, I told Buzz there will at least be 90% Osiris and he agreed. There are also not more than 5 guests in our clan, so since when do they outnumbered Osiris? There are many Os in main and sub clans waiting for war to declare before moving over, so find out the truth before saying we are mercing.
  16. Extremist, I think I have always fought u and Cambji honorably and I dun talk ****, so please stop stirring Shi t when it's none of your business.
  17. Thats a fact bro. Osiris didn't chicken out from osw?? It's well known Osiris merc alot even in SW. Bro, everyone in kaw knew it 
  18. Extreme, Osiris has stayed away from your threads on the OSW as we are not into the trash talking.

    I haves lot of respect for the Yafi players, like yourself and cambj, who use actions to give their responses. This thread is not about the OSW so can we not discuss is here?
  19. So do I need to create a thread to talk about our osw? If I let Osiris go this time(broke cf), i will be too dumb bro. Can Osiris be trusted? Will u broke cf again or shd yafi let u come n go as u like??

    Don't treat us as dumb.