CF and Respect

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _TOXIC_, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. For the record, JHO put 5 clans on BAM. Warlor came in to assist our ally against uneven odds.
  2. That's fair enough but does warlor support the actions of princess bella telling someone who's mother committed suicide that it's their fault?
  3. What I support is that this is a game. And you have no right to bring anyone's rl issue into it. Be respectful Rikki and stop trying to troll.
  4. That's enough guys. The comments were made to me. And apology was made for them. Leave it be.
  5. It's not bringing in an RL issue. It's bringing in information as to why RPL started hitting BAM.
  6. Mod lock thread plz
  7. Oh so now bam is gonna think they are good at osw.
  8. That means so much when it's a statless in a eb fairy clan

    You can't talk about osw :roll:
  9. WHAT a joke. All I see this morning is four clans, half lb top 50 pinning one clan unranked. Yes val, horribly uneven. Don't get me wrong, its what it is but l0rd...your weak. I'll take all ur inc tho. Silver, warlor, let the Lil's fight bam. Fight me. Least IMF and adrian have a target they can hit ;) me lol
  10. ^ this will get funny
  11. Wow, another classic, evenly matched osw, lol.
  12.  4 vs 2.... Support to uneven fights 
  13. JHO is a joke lol nuff said.
  14. Well JHO apparently put 5 clans on BAM. Lets see what Jho have to say lol
  15. Omg another person saying 4 v2 .-.
  16. Who were these 5 bad ass clans jho put on bam? Were they zaft, lol?
  17. (mod remove this post)
  18. This all started over tasteless comments about me, l0rd announced into world chat. Retaliation was in the form of 6 hits and landed with JHO hitting BAM roster in return. Any comments Jimantha made to Lord came after the war already started, which was apologized for, mutually on her behalf, as well as Lord's.
  19. BAM vs RPL as well as BAM vs JHO have already taken place before this. (round 2) Both landed RPL and JHO in a cease fire. ALLIES were called in to assist BAM when WiG(also CF)/JHO/TH/RPL/URF Ganged up and made the fight unfair for BAM alone. Classic Bullying, trying to hit BAM while they were out numbered.
  20. BAM has defeated both JHO and RPL in OSWs separately in the last 5 months.

    When this iteration began, RPL sent members to JHO. Soon, other clans had members there. Eventually, all of RPL joined in the hitting, breaking their CF with BAM.

    It was an opportunistic move that backfired terribly for them. In the future, hopefully all parties aligned with JHO in this war will let JHO fight their own battles, which, as I said, they already lost to BAM.
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