Apocalypse Getting Smashed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *ZAFT_TruthBringer_ZAFT (01), Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Let the alts speak..

    Otherwise we wont get any inside info lol from this war as both alliances have no forum policies lol
  2. Too many lols in my post
  3. Here's ur inside info for today, been in the war for 5 days, been hit 3 times and done my share of stealing in strips and burning pots.
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: op is cleary talking **** on zafts behalf. that says something for zafts forum policy. clearly it's not up to par.

    OP may just be a butthurt zaft alt, or maybe zaft needs to recruit more forum warriors to win public image.(a lost cause if you ask me) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. @rigs You zaft or apoc?
  6. I'm impartial(meaning I ain't takin sides for al u trolls)to this whole thing,but isn't the point to pin on ebs so they DON'T take your gold away,then hit them while their asleep?
  7. ZAFT was too big anyway, it seems one-sided... Too many LB players on ZAFT side, it seems.
  8. @Evil if you ignore the LB(Most of the fight might not be happening there anyway) its not one sided.
  9. @RIGS Not for nothing but you're not significant enough to be targeted or do any damage.
  10. Don't understand the using of alts to post crap in forums during osw?! What are you scared of??? Being stripped? News flash! They are trying to strip you already!

    Post with mains, or better yet don't post at all and just talk with your troops....
  11. Cool story.....

  12. Respect to you as always scraps! Good luck my friend. And despite what all these noobs say BOTH sides have several victories in this battle, only time will tell who wins the war.

    Now back to stripping, keep one eye on your allies ZAFT
  13. So says the alt. if ZAFT is winning by so much, why not post with your main?
  14. You are to biased you need to figure out for sure if apocalypse is doing this for sure, how many of them if true, and if there is a reason why. You must look at this with both perspectives not just zaft's. also if this is proven false then you will look like a big noob.
  15. Personally I have respect for players on both sides, as well as friends in both trenches. Regardless, I cannot respect someone posting to the forums with a bogus account. It seems to be becoming a norm. Something needs to be done about this noob account spam. I honestly don't care to read it anymore. Perhaps the Devs need to make a stat limit for forum posting.
  16. To all the warring clans, I do miss my friends, in all clans, today in our ee war I had a blast, warring with a mixture of ppl... Heated moments, excitement of catching up falling behind... I miss the clan hopping and hanging in clans, and the great cc... Find away to move on, really would like to continue to clan visit again...and this is my main
  17. Smashed? Really?? As if. Stop posting bs stuff in forums. That is showing weakness. Im not saying all zaft are wdak but u are. Grow up. Back ur stuff by facts bc there none here.
  18. Is it me or did op sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown. Wah Wah Wah!!
  19. You say people talk ******* smack look at you with an alt think you all ******* mighty cause your obviously to ***** to post with your ******* main Zaft is nothing but pussys that hide behind all their members they can't do a ******* 1 v 1