Discussion in 'Best Of' started by lmaginaryAmigo, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Your cf terms are gonna include a free t-shirt now :lol:
  2. You should open an online store selling these things for all different games and stuff tht would be awesome u could do like kaw and dark souls and stuff :D
  3. Chubby wants a double X
  4. [​IMG]

    Lol Larry :D The order is on the way <3

    @ Walrus, your son will love the emotional scarring from wearing our stuff.
  5. There are places online that do customized tees for less than what the kiosks at the malls charge. Also, I am not a savvy entrepreneur to handle an endeavor such as that lol. :p Cheers.
  6. :shock: with that being said, to Google! Should still charge people like a seal or horn or something for your designs. :p
  7. Loool great idea tho bud I like it :p
  8. And sledge we gotta stop ending up on forums together XD :p
  9. Can I request a shirt that says:

    "OSW... Why not? #YouOnlyPlayEveryday"

    In medium please, oh and... Don't forget to put:

    "The KaW kiosk loves Emeth <3"

  10. Is there free shipping? If so I will take all. :)
  11. We do priority mail via alts if you want your order delivered in a shorter turnaround. Or you can use our free shipping by wandering villagers. They are notoriously known for being late though. :oops:

    A handwritten note of platonic love is enclosed in the parcel. :)
  12. Kinda feeling this design....


  13. Bah! Competition already! :lol:
    Your designs are great :!:

  14. :lol: Great thread.
  15. Fantastic designs! Keep up the good work, Amigo.
  16. :lol: not hunna get much competition from me, I'm not good at coming up with designs. :lol:
  17. Best of!!

    Loved it. Some real cool T shirts I would gladly pay for if they were in the market.
  18. I am glad to hear mate and I am a fangirl of a fellow minion.
  19. Definitely "Best Of" material!