Discussion in 'Best Of' started by lmaginaryAmigo, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Turtle -u know "extra medium" is slang for " I'll have it in FB size thanks" fat bastard
  2. The "2story glory" shirt pmsl
  3. Idk why, but I ️page 9, volley my ally 80b ... I keep. Micky knocks jean company. 
  4. Simply the best lads
  5. How do I post a pic here from a Droid phone?
  6. [​IMG]


    I want a few of these :eek:
  7. Love Tim's Tee Support
  8. Haha :lol:
  9. MARKET MY SHIRT, that will sell, I will buy 1000 right now and 1 to each of my midgets
  10. I wonder if this could acutely be a market cos I would by a t shirt op speak to devs about this and demand 80% of profits lol
  11. It's called Dogs Ear
    It'll cost just a few bucks plus the shirt
    The technology has been around since the '70s
    Get with it people