Discussion in 'Best Of' started by lmaginaryAmigo, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. how do I choose just 17 of them  that's all my allowance will cover. Do you have any bulk discounts 

    As always, Ashes and Amigo you've made me laugh  .... Your creativity makes me ️with envy
  2. Your KaW milestones can be made into a commemorative tee and fancy lapel pin. :D
    You can even get famous KaW Quotes like TT's favorite:
  3. Easily one of the best posts...in a VERY long time.
  4. We do and we will gladly accept a payment schedule to accommodate the disposition of large orders. We will even throw a free tee on top!
  5. Here's another one while I make a special requested one for someone on this thread by someone on this thread. Just food for thought. ;)

  6. Way better than nike!
  7. Here's another idea.


    And this next one is lazily done. I don't feel like editing anymore photos for t-shirts before my friend gets here... Light drum roll, please...


    Sorry, Ashes..
  8. Lol ️ that will always be my favourite Amigo 
  9. Parfum d'Noob Tears is a blend of natural fragances of Unkari blossoms, essential oils from the Volary greehouses and a generous splash of sugar-free Red Bull.
    It comes with a custom yoga pants too.
  10. Oh my goodness. I love it!
  11. I get excited whenever I smell the exotic Unkari blossoms!!
  12. It's my signature scent ;)
  13. My signature scent is "Funk" by Sholron
  14. I seriously want that shirt now ._.
  15. If the Come out of pin bro was an actual shirt I'd pay 50 dollars for that 
  16. I don't sell shirts with "Funk" by Sholron on them. Sorry :(