Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Very interesting indeed..
  2. Hmmm are there going to be subclasses and more class choices as game progresses?
  3. Well. Hopefully, in one of the rpg's, ill do classes as Skyrim does. You know, with the perks. And im not completely sure what u mean.
  4. Eh, on second thought, I'll just be a player.
  5. Haha. Alright, so does anyone want to be a writer?
  6. What do the writers do?
  7. Make roleplay plots and control the rp
  8. Soooooo a bad version of D
  9. I feel stupid. D and D*
  10. D and D. Didn't know the and symbol didn't work :(
  11. So wut u meant to say was a bad version of d
  12. As in a knock off of D and D, I would assume. I desperately hope he/she means 1st or 2nd edition though, because after that it becomes a videogame with dice :/
  13. 3rd edition was pretty good to, 4th edition makes me cry though.