Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Maybe cause I only got like a million out! 
  2.  is that because you couldn't manage to hit the rest of us?
  3. How about G.I.
  4. Falling buzzards

    Theres another^^
  5. Oh I could hit all of you if I wanted..you really think that this is my main
  6. Who is your main, DK?
  7. I know who your main is, that's irrelevant . Are you just sad we didn't make one for your clan? Crying furries?

    Better now?
  8. First of all this is not my home clan
  9. That I know as well. Again. Irrelevant
  10. -dk- is his main probably o_O very big very impressive ee fairy build <3

    But please, dont get this locked. Take this to pms and walls
  11. Dear god.
    Get back on topic people.
    Just ignore DK.
  12. Great thread ashes, you never cease to surprise me :p
  13. No need for that..Im done with this sorry piece of thread,
  14. Same^^ xD

    Ever since he moved on from obsessive boobeh posts (not that i have a problem with boobehz)he's increasingly made vey good threads <3
  15. Nice work
  16. Lmao nice one ashes!
  17. How about False Spartans