Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. This thread isn't even funny
  2. I luv this thread, :)
  3. Sacred Service

    Dragon's Itches

    Dragons bitches

    Escape to Wonderbra
  4. What spell is tht
  5. I'm pretty sure it's the time trial plunder thing
  6. Baldo's brigade
    I'm serious don't 0.0 :lol:
  7. Yeah when I fought Alison the first time she would either call me baldo pig or leach.
  8. Hahaha this is awesome

    Here's one, Public Service
  9. Self Service lol
  10. Pubic service :lol:
  11. Spartan Semi Retired
  12. Zodiac aliance of racist titties ( • ¥ • )
  13. I have a clan name that none has i think. . . Here we go

    The Nobodys

    Lol ikr
  14. Titties isn't censored? What about tits
  15. ;) holy crap this is awsome :D
  16. How about Spartans of the underwear