To be fair, Emerson would argue that the foundations of man are not in matter, but in spirit. Not necessarily religion, but a spirituality that preceeds religion and connects everything, all of creation, in "the web of God" or with "the universal soul." Just a little fun fact.
Lol you are an idiot, stop trying to make me seem ad this religious zealot who judges those who don't have the same beliefs as me. Im not, I explained the views and characteristics of some atheists, and in arguments they dismiss anything that a relgious person has to say. Sometimes being very belligerent , and belittling anything pertaining to religion. This is likely one of the reasons why Christians hate atheists, because they have NO RESPECT for their beliefs
I've explained that my words were said in the wrong way,yet you keep bringing up that biblical reference I said as some prime example. Again I used that as an example of how the bible knows of human nature, and how dangerous it can be. You say all these things were used thousands of years ago and aren't needed. Well I think differently, the bible wasn't just made to control it was made to give people morality. Something that is still needed today
We are here on this earth both for reasons and for no reason. We're here not for any given reason but for the reasons we find with in ourselves. Each person has the ability to find his/her purpose on their own. Not a single other person can't tell you your reasons for being on this earth because your reasons is unique and is your own. Or to put it in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, "No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone."
So basically that sums it up, I belive in god, yet Im not that relgious, I just have my MORALS. That's all, yet you seem to be so condescending on people with religion in general. But what do I know, my Christian upbringing has me hypnotize right?
Your willing and deliberate attempts, futile as they are, do nothing to disguise the fact you never really knew what my argument was about, and no amount of quoting out of context paragraphs to suit your argument, will make you understand it any clearer. Your argument is abundantly clear. Its hate. You use the word 'Respect' like it pertains to your argument, but show no understanding of the concept in any of your posts. My argument, im afraid, is quite lost on you, as you seem to incorrectly view it as an attack on your persons and fundamental beliefs. Mis-quoting me and personal attacks towards me or a group, prove nothing but your own insecurities and paranoia. Its unfortunate your linguistics skills are not astute enough, nor contain the necessary literature, to identify whether or not you've been insulted, ridiculed or patronized in a rebuttle to your own argument. If you did, you would have understood the "insults" you saw where merely observations of an archaic culture and suggestions to a new approach to the topic of human progression. Not a whole thesis on how you're an uneducated paranoid git that had no rational grounds for seeing my rebuttle as a personal attack. You really are quite incapable of defending your own beliefs and opinions on any intellectual level, other than to crying wolf and throw insults at what you dont understand. You may continue with your repetitive and childish need for attention, as now, i really have insulted ridiculously uneducated and belligerent pleb
Say what you want madhatter, I stereotyped you simply because you stereotyped people with religion first, like I said I read some of your views on the religion thread. I know what you think of religion, you didn't insult me directly, but you insulted people who you think are simple minded cause of their views.
So now I know for sure that your just an angry atheist, who gets angry over something that you don't believe in the first place.
John Loke believed the denial of god's existence would undermine the social order and lead to chaos.I believe he's right people don't think the same way, heresy is a good thing. But some cases its not. Tbh if one had the power to change it theh would. That's human nature
Naw I just want you to admit you were wrong, when I explained why I hate some of atheists views, you come up with this whole typical Christian belife of me, when in reality you were wrong. Besides its not like you don't dislike some of the beliefs of Christianity. I made it clear I don't hate atheists lol
Hate can be overcome by compassion and discernment. Two things that i don't think you have right now.
Hate is not apart of you. Hate is the mark of the ignorant and uneducated. They're scared & unwilling to understand indifference, choosing to invoke violence against anything they see as a threat or not "normal" to them, rather than understand or approach the situation with some form of rational thinking. So yes, its no surprise to me you have hate in your heart.
We are just a bunch of aliens that smoked some crazy good stuff and are having a crazy trip. When we die on earth the trip ends and we are back as our alien selves.