✯Why Are We Here?✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Lol Im getting judge from saying I hate atheists, but none of you didn't bother to read my reasons Why. I explained I hated some of their views buy not atheists in general. Next time read my posts before you start calling me a stereotypical Christian
  2. This is only because I read your views about Christians in the religion thread, so I was talking about your type
  3. You said it proves my point about religion, because of my religious upbringing, you see I already know your views about religion. So to me YOU are that stereotypical athiest I was talking about, and you were completely wrong about me:)
  4. You're getting judged simply because you chose to try and argue a point with insults and ridicule, found the conversational level was beyond your ability, then act as the victim. forgetting your own words in the process of trying to obtain sympathy.

    Id say you should quit with what little dignity you have left and admit you have nothing of importance or value to add.
  5. Notice I said those things to you, because I already knew your views about religion, perhaps I didn't word it right but i explained my reasons, I judge you simply because you judge people with religion in general
  6. How about we all get along and blaze it up
  7. Its not 420 anymore
  8. It doesn't have to be 4/20 to smoke some herb
  9. You are trying hard to change your statement and your meaning to no avail.
    You made a direct statement about hating all atheists and labeled them "stupid" without mentioning my name in the sentence at all.

    How or why you judged me is irrelevant. The statment wasn't directed at me and you know it.
    Accept your folly and move on.
    You're proving nothing but your abundantly evident ignorance and lack of linguistic skills.
    Next time, take the time and effort to construct an intelligent rebuttal and maybe you'll be taken seriously.

    For now, i think you've taken up enough time and space with your need to feel placated or justified for your own ignorant and rash comments.
  10. God created us- how does a God exist how was he created or how has he always existed (don't know anything about what gods need to exist so can't add more details)

    We were created by chance - why is there 4 dimensions why is there Energy/matter were they always there or created? Big Bang theory is nothing more then a theory but even with that is raise even more questions that answers. How was our planet shaped in such a way biological stuff could not only grow just thrive how did humans of such complexity that even ask this question come from bacteria that got created from? Don't think I ever heard a word about how bacteria was created so there is that. And so much more that just seem so impossible to have happened at random.

    Problem is if their is a god and they don't do anything to show themselves we are left guessing and honestly trying to find the truth and leaving your mind open your only gonna end up with more questions that answers so looking for an answer is pointless other then the sake of argument.

    And as far as the bible if that God is true how can we believe the book was untouched by kings or bad translations and so on not to bring up it was wrote by men who followed Jesus (or so that's what the book says can't be proven) so how can we know they didn't make errors Jesus corrected them in the bible on multiple occasions how they not make errors when his not their?

    The only questions getting answered are being answered with more questions lol

    Excuse my bad writing skills lol but end of the day nothing can ever be proven on this topic
  11. I didn't have to mention your name I was replying to the entire time, and like I said I know your views about Christians from the religion thread. also my words were poorly chosen but I was talking about you, which i was right, you think people with religion are stagnant. Basically you think your smarter then me since you refuse to acknowledge anything I say. My so called "Christian upbringing" has me close minded right? You judge by what I said but you were wrong, and I've cleared that up but what about you? I don't think all atheist are like that, just going by my own experiences, but before my post on where I said I hate atheists you practically stereotyped Christians right there. So if anything the stereotypes started with you
  12. Ignorance of Religion Is Ignorance of History, For Atheists and Everyone. That's my opinion, and I think madhatter doesn't respect religion and what it has done. Religion was the Foundation of society, not an addition to It
  13. I question religion all the time, Im a realist, so Im conflicted on a lot of things but I do respect religion which I think you don't, your welcome to prove me wrong
  14. aaah... The dark ages <3
  15. Then by that, i can logically deduce you understood very little, if anything at all of my discussion, and continue to try and validate your insults by victimising yourself and shifting blame as you now feel offended or insulted.

    So really, this has nothing to do with your point or the topic of this thread.
    This is just your own selfish need to feel self important and obtain sympathy for your own dim witted statements, simply because you couldnt understand or failed to comprehend my argument and decided to see it as an attack against you.

    You really aren't proving anything but your own willful stubbornness to accept any fault or responsibility for your own words.
    instead you choose to point your finger and say "he made me say it!" In hopes others wont make you take ownership of your own statement of hate.

    Take responsibility for your own actions and words, or am i to believe you a child incapable of such?
  16. "Statistically speaking, it most certainly does prove my point on religion, as Che_Guevara kindly shows us how his religious upbringing shaped his way of thinking.

    He did nothing but recite something he heard was in the bible that his religion takes as the gospel word of god.
    His way of thinking shows hatred for any person or group that would question his religion............... This is all your words simply because you didn't pay attention to anything I said, so in rreality YOU are the one that has issues with people with religion in general, and again I've already explained my mistakes
  17. Basically you also said owning women as property is an aspect of religion, not everybody with religion thinks that way
  18. I hate to come off as nitpicking, but..

    To be fair, a theory never becomes anything else other than a theory. It can be supported as much as humanly possibly and accepted as correct, but it will always be a theory.

    A scientific theory is the explaination behind a law. Accepted or not.
  19. there is no logic to your points.
    You've yet again added nothing of relevance and proven your continued ignorance is unlimited.

    The retorts you provided showed you did not understand or comprehend anything of my post.
    your reply did nothing to construct or form a thought out rebuttle to my argument, but rather just made a general statment of what little you grasped, feigning understanding at best.

    yet i gave you the benefit of the doubt and put to you a well thought out and thorough reply of my beliefs and hopes for the human race, stating what i saw as necessary for the perpetuation of a species, not a religion.

    yet again, you respond with nothing but a generic answer and a comment on bible text about the rapture and how you hate atheists and futher more, calling them "stupid".
    Obviously you where either willfully being dense, or in your inability to understand my statment, you took what you thought where insults and used it as an excuse to take offence.
    Then arrogantly you tried to condescend and insult me as to make a point about atheists and their "stupidity".
    all you did was confirm your own stupidity and total ignorance to admit you did not, nor could not understand the responce i gave you.

    instead fearing you or your beliefs had been attacked, did what any uneducated and self ritious simpletons do best. berate and condescend those you feel threatened by.

    Hence why every other following post by you was of no value or held no substance or validating point other than you feeling unjustly judged by your own comments and feeding your ego's want to be morally right and justified. even if you had to try and play the victim.

    Your lack of comprehension fed your stubborness, And instead of asking for clarification to properly understand the reply given, you instead replied with no understanding of my argument at all.
    Instead picking out things you could interpret as possibly being insults towards you or your belief and decided to attack rather than understand or admit your short comings.

    You my friend, are a prime example of closed minded religious pomposity.
  20. I would love you to cite that remarkable statement.