✯Why Are We Here?✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. MadHatter, one person does not define or prove any points about Christianity, and further the whole web of religions.

  2. Statistically speaking, it most certainly does prove my point on religion, as Che_Guevara kindly shows us how his religious upbringing shaped his way of thinking.

    He did nothing but recite something he heard was in the bible that his religion takes as the gospel word of god.
    His way of thinking shows hatred for any person or group that would question his religion.
    Even when produced with quite logical and rational arguments, he choses to react with spitfulness, persecution and biblical text of no paticular point or offering any valid argument but spitting hate at those that would question or debate his gods existance.

    Che_Guevara represents the majority of religious fear mongering haters that chose not to debate rationally or contribute positively to a discussion, but rather hold the discussion hostage by constantly dribbling irrelevant phrases and demanding to be acknowledged while refusing to forward the discussion with anything other than bible texts irrelevant to the discussion.

    Much like they do in life.
    Refuse to understand, question nothing and obay blindly.

  3. [/quote]

    Statistically speaking, it most certainly does prove my point on religion, as Che_Guevara kindly shows us how his religious upbringing shaped his way of thinking.

    He did nothing but recite something he heard was in the bible that his religion takes as the gospel word of god.
    His way of thinking shows hatred for any person or group that would question his religion.
    Even when produced with quite logical and rational arguments, he choses to react with spitfulness, persecution and biblical text of no paticular point or offering any valid argument but spitting hate at those that would question or debate his gods existance.

    Che_Guevara represents the majority of religious fear mongering haters that chose not to debate rationally or contribute positively to a discussion, but rather hold the discussion hostage by constantly dribbling irrelevant phrases and demanding to be acknowledged while refusing to forward the discussion with anything other than bible texts irrelevant to the discussion.

    Much like they do in life.
    Refuse to understand, question nothing and obay blindly.


    It says something about religious people, not religion itself. But more than that, is says something about narrow minded people. Hate is not uniquely a religious thing, it is a human thing. There are many atheists that hate religion and do not react nor debate rationally. They cling to their own belief that there is no god. A rational person has a holistic approach to a debate, an open mind.
  4. It says something about religious people, not religion itself. But more than that, is says something about narrow minded people. Hate is not uniquely a religious thing, it is a human thing. There are many atheists that hate religion and do not react nor debate rationally. They cling to their own belief that there is no god. A rational person has a holistic approach to a debate, an open mind.[/quote]

    What is religion without the believers?

    You cant seperate religion and its believers, As neither can exist without the other.
    If their are no followers, religion becomes a mythology.

    I never stated hate was a religious thing, but religion teaches hate.

    I have never once said through all of my posts here that i hate those that chose to believe... unlike certian religious folk all too willing to hate a group based on one persons comment.

    A rational person can still have their own agenda and knowledge, and chose to display that in their discussion.

    If you've actually been reading my posts, you would know that i am, if anything else, open minded.

    It's the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
    Those that believe seem mostly unable to entertain the thought that a devine being may not exist.

    Atheists seem to be labeled as non believers, where this isnt the fact. They just accept that both are possible to a point, but servitude of ones life to an ancient tale isnt practical or desirable for them.
  5. I would disagree that religion teaches hate. People will use religion to teach hate, yes, but all religions, in some form or a other, show peace, love, compassion, nonviolence, etc. This isn't to say that one can't make hate out of those qualities, and then teach it that way.

    I didn't say that you hated anyone or anything (and i am glad you dont), but in my experience, many atheists do express hate towards religion because of the actions of religious people.

    I would agree on your points about a rational person, though expressing your own agenda can come out as narrow mindedness, if you keep regressing back to it without understanding the other party's views.

    I would argue on your point about all atheists. Many, it appears, will under no circumstance accept that there could be a God, or as Christopher Hitchens would narrow mindedly say, "a celestial, totalitarian dictator." It would be more rational to have your view than his, because then you accept that there is still a possibility, but you choose which possibility you want to "believe."

    Anyways, i am a religious person who is against hate. Could i not represent religion or religious followers?

  6. You could, if you happened to be the majority.
    Unfortunatly its not the case.

    And althought there are many like you out there that chose acceptance over persecution, the main representative body and figure heads of christian and chatholic religion do not.

    Nor do they seem to grasp the concept that, as intellectuals, we are not oblivious to the fact your religious leaders chose to acknowledge and ignore certain aspects of your own religious text to serve personal agendas.

    We are not limited to an option of whether to believe or not. Its not as simple as that.

    I can believe in god without being religious.
    I can believe in the devine without having to pray or preach "the good book".
    I can have faith without relying on a physical foundation to cement that faith.
    I can be a decent human being without believing in an afterlife.
    I can live a good and honest life without the guidence of a bible to remind me to do so.

    In the end, neither religious nor atheist should dictate to either how or what they should or shouldnt believe in, but both should be working towards a sustainable future for us all.

    Your life is yours to do with as you wish, to believe what you wish. You are beholden to no one as no one is beholden to you.

    As i didnt enter this discussion to debate religion or existance of a god, rather our existance and meaning as a species, i'll end by saying;
    To debate our existance and to question our beliefs is, if anything, freedom at its most devine.
  7. Ya know, you make a much more reasonable debate than many of the atheists that I come across.
  8. Sorry didn't really see that, but what I am saying isn't very similar to what you are saying, although I do agree that humans have perverted the balance of nature.
  9. It annoys me a bit that people bring religion into this topic because all that does is generate controversy and make my head hurt. However controversy is good for the thread it confuses me to compare religion and science when both are trying to prove themselves dominant.
  10. As do you yourself. Thank you for the intelligent discussion. It was a pleasure to debate this topic with you.
  11. Neither have to prove themselves dominant. It has been written that both science and religion are two different languages trying to answer the same questions of the universe
  12. Do not stereotype me, I haven't gone to church since I was little, I just hate how atheists judge people so much cause of their believes, most but not al think themselves smarter then onews with religion. So really you guys just proved my point that atheists are buttholes, always trying to won up someone with their so called superior intellect. None of you don't know me, I don't wanna be labeled anything, I just have my morals and my belief of god. I also don't entirely belive what the bible says, and if you guys actually take the time to read the bible rather then what other people say. You could actually get some wisdom out of it and can be able to come up with your own views. Y'all so ficsiated on what your eyes can see, that's the ignorance of atheists, to me atheism is of self importance. Humans need to be brought down from their own hubris, their arrogance that their could be something greater then them scares them. Its also ironic that certain other religions and the stories inside them speak about the same thing, stories about how man got a bighead and NEEDED to be humbled. These stories were said thousands of years ago, and it seems to me that humans haven't changed, and maybe I am dehumanizing people but its the truth, we are after all flaws. So in the end if we were to die 100 years from now it be our fault, so yea lets get rid of religion and put our beliefs in science. Lets see how far the dehumanizing gets:)
  13. I believe this is a reasonable conclusion to this debate. Well said Wazz.
  14. Yet this debate will still continue, I mentioned something from the bible as an example, and i was somewhat ridiculed by you, already calling me a Christian. This maybe a reasonable conclusion but that still doesn't change your views about me, or Christians, just more ignorance spewing out of your infectious mouth
  15. Che-
    I think you need to calm it down a bit. Before you make an argument, you should make sure that you yourself are on sound moral ground and have sound moral motivation for continuing in an argument. There is no room for hate in any motivation or argument that you make.
  16. You have nothing of value to add to this discussion Che_Guevara.
    Your need for acknowledgement, although amusing, is unnecessary.

    You've shown you cannot establish a reasonable retort without persecuting, ridiculing or resorting to insults.
    Your arguments, or statements rather, have no substance or value and do nothing to further the debate.
    You are just seeking attention for a very basic knowledge of your own religion.

    Well done in making yourself look even more ridiculous than you did before.
  17. Hate? No hate from me, someone mentioned religion, and that their isn't any need for it, I stated my reasons why it is lol
  18. You called me an idiot, the name calling came from you, Im telling my own experiences of judgemental athiest, which is what I hate. I never specifically threw insults at anybody
  19. There is hate. You said you hate atheists. Jesus said to love everyone, including your enemies. To show compassion, but with discernment. Hate will never bring about good, and fighting hate with hate will only push both parties to extremes in which forms of violence will inevitably erupt.

    This does not mean to surrender your ideas, but rather to lead by example, offer an alternative solution in which constructive change can develop that will benefit everyone.

  20. Want to recant yet Guevara?