The debate on religion a couple weeks ago wasn't bad. There were some people who didn't "play" nice, but it was intellectually interesting. And it didn't get locked, as far as I know.
FNS Hello and welcome to False News Stories, brought to you by Wolf News. My name is Sirmakesitup and I’m the one coming up with the scandals that rock your king….Scratch that last part out. Basically, so much drama is going unreported and it is a disgrace. Hidden love The spat between SkinnyMinny and about 90% of the forum population, which is a story on its own. We’ve all seen it. Don’t lie to yourself. Search your feelings, you’ll know it to be true. The serious and tough demeanor he has? It’s all a front? My sources strongly point to so. We cannot independently confirm this, but, we believe this type of form posture is the direct result of being ignored by his true love, PRIME. I know. I know. PRIME? Who’d true for that, right? Skinny posts these long threads and comments on threads just to get a better response from PRIME, the one line gifer. So far, Skinny’s efforts have fallen on deaf ears. Will you ever move on? Whose who? Kezarah, Kezzer – Alt or main? Batman and rob? Sidious and Anakin? What’s going on her with these two? Has the marriage already happened? These are the questions the Kawmunity want answered, my green friend. And I find your lack of transparency disturbing. Are you such a good actor that you can play male and female leads at the same time? Or do you have multiple personas like Roger from American dad? Do you just like back up on threads? Even if you decline to address the subject, we will catch you. You can’t keep this façade going for much longer. You will grab the wrong phone one morning. Scrapster What is up with his string of (extremely low effort) threads lately? Has he given up his trolling ways? Doubtful. Once a troll, not always a troll, but, he does kind of look like one. I believe he’s trying to fool you. “Fake with the right, jab with the left.” What is your true intentions on our forums, Scrap? To slowly bring down our IQs with each word and picture? Because that’s what many forumers are saying. Please explain yourself now. (So I can send the SS to the devs.) Let us discuss. (It's just a prank bro)
Wow, that's some serious sciencing CraCkFaRrOkH. Fantastic! And I totally agree, Scrapster. We gotta make it interesting for ourselves somehow.
But we are not really here.. This is just someone else's imagination we are fulfilling .. We are not to be held responsible for what we do in someone else's make believe little world
Because this is the only suitable planet for us and God did exist, if He didn't exist, who create us? And if there is no afterlife, what do you think you will go and actually what happened to you? So we just dead? I believe there is God and afterlife because I have faith in Jesus and God.
The better question is how we got here. The series of fortunate random events & circumstances leading to our evolutionary success on this planet are immensely complex and intriguing to even the most novice of astro physicists. And asking why we are here is just as complex as the how, if not more. But the fact remains that we are here on this one planet with only each other to keep our selves sane in the cold vastness and enormity of the ever expanding universe.
Haha this makes me want to ask my parents if they intended to have me or if I was an accident ... But yh there's no point in life so do whatever you want as long as you are willing to accept the consequences
Let me throw in this brain tweaker.. You know how you put your earphone with the cord in your pocket and they come out all knotted and are just impossible to untangle., ..and you go like "Geez! There must be some complex higher power at work to get a simple string to knot itself like that!" Well a very foundational process that gave rise to the "Organics" and "Life" on this planet is called the Protein Folding.. My point is.. We're like god's earphones that he put in his pocket and got all knotted up..
In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.
Just a little question for all you scientists out their who believe science can answer everything, Carbon dating is a variety of radioactive dating which is applicable only to matter which was once living and presumed to be in equilibrium with the atmosphere, taking in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis. That's what it is. Here's how it works. Cosmic rays blast nuclei in the upper atmosphere, producing neutrons which in turn bombard into nitrogen, the major constituent of the atmosphere. This neutron bombardment produces the radioactive isotope carbon-14. The radioactive carbon 14 combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and is incorporated into the cycle of living things. The carbon-14 forms at a rate which appears to be constant, so that by measuring radioactive emissions from once-living matter and comparing it's activity with the equilibrium level of living things, a measurement of the time elapsed can be made. They say a carbon-14 decays with a halflife of about 5,730 years, but how do they truly know that? Carbon dating wasn't a thing until the late 1940's when the method was developed by Willard Libby. How do you truly know carbon dating is accurate? It's a proven fact man does not like the unknown. When your parents tell you that they have a gift for you, your brain will start thinking what could it be, what could it be, until you eventually Come up with something that you think they may have got you. Or when you friend says they know a secret about you. It tortured you that they know something about you and you don't know what it is. And don't tell me that never happened to you, because at the point, your lying to yourself. Man creates something to fill the unknown so there will be an explanation for things. I'm not saying science is wrong or anything, but it's all been created by man. The formulas, some of the elements we now have today, carbon dating, and the list goes on and on. But the truth to the matter is, this stuff could all be wrong, but man believes it to be true just to fill a void. So, my question is, how can science prove things such as how long the earth has been around? My viewpoint is that there are simply things in the universe our minds cannot comprehend. No need in trying to make things up to fill a void just because. Yes, humans are here on earth. Do we know how we got here? There are theories, but nothing proven. Will anything ever be proven as how we got here? Probably not. So why think about this sort of stuff? Why not just acknowledge the fact that your here on earth and just live life? information from this was taken from website about carbon dating.
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches?
We can't solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them, especially if you're using a potato.
Chaos theory; everything wishes to descend into chaos, that's the theory of energy, what creates the most choas, humans....
A man said to the Universe "i exist!" The Universe replied; That fact doesn't instill in me a sense of obligation.